释义 |
1 ?六位规则 Rule Of Six(六位规则), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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“We’re in for at least six months more of this, ” reckons a Damascus businessman who has prospered under Mr Assad’s rule. 一个在阿萨德统治下富裕起来的商人预测,这样的局势可能还要持续至少6个月甚至更久。 - 2
The Taylor rule, a popular rule of thumb, suggests it should be six percentage points below. 根据广为流行的经验法则- - -泰勒规则(Taylor rule),应该再低6个百分点。 - 3
But it is the six centuries of Anglo-Saxon rule, from shortly after the departure of the Roman colonizers, around A. D. 410, to the Norman Conquest in 1066, that most define what we now call England. 现在我们所认识的英国,正是在经历了从公园410年盎格鲁撒克逊在罗马殖民者离开对整个岛屿的统治,到1066年诺曼征服的六百年时间中所形成的。