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1 [昆]?感觉钟 ... sense data ==> 读出数据 sense dome ==> 感觉钟 sense finder ==> 无线电罗盘,探向指器,正负向测定器,指向测定器 ...
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In this sense, Florence remains unchanged since the days when, above the great gulf of the Duomo's medieval transept, cloth merchants hired Brunelleschi to raise his primal Renaissance dome. 从这个意义上讲,自从布料商人雇佣布鲁内莱斯基(Brunelleschi),在佛罗伦萨大教堂的中世纪十字形耳堂的巨大裂口上部,建造文艺复兴时期最初的穹顶之时起,佛罗伦萨就未曾改变过。 - 2
The head man—in every sense—of the asylum has a shiny dome, a bow tie, a prissified English accent, and a belief in “the moral fusion between law and order and clinical care.” 这个疯人院的头子有着油亮的头顶,弯卷的领带,一本正经的英腔,以及“能用道德将法律、秩序和医务融合起来”的信念。 - 3
Hohensalzburg fortress reachable via taxi or funicular overlooks an ornate wintry city that gives visitors the sense of 'being inside a souvenir snow dome 'says photographer Bob krist. “去萨尔茨堡城堡,游客们可以乘出租车或者缆索,从缆索上往下看,这座华丽的冰雪城市给游客们一种就像置身于一个水晶球中一样”,摄影家鲍博·克里斯特说道。