释义 |
- 资深大律师:一些普通法国家和地区对经确认后的资深诉讼律师的称号。
1 ?资深大律师 ...“官方”(Crown) 的地方,改称“国家”(State);被委位为御用大律师(Queen's Counsel)的大律师,改称资深大律师 (Senior Counsel),法院名称也作了些字眼上的改动。 2 ?高级法律顾问 ... 御用大律师 Queen‘s Counsel 高级法律顾问(澳洲) Senior Counsel 律师技术等级 Skill level - immiknow ...
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Wolin, who served as general counsel at the Treasury from 1999 to 2001, was one of three senior nominees named by Obama. 从1999年到2001年,沃林曾担任财政部总法律顾问,他是被奥巴马提名的三位财政部高级职位候选人之一。 - 2
Christopher A. Hansen, senior national staff counsel for the civil liberties union, said the problem was with the Patent Office, not the company. 美国公民联合会高级顾问克里·斯多芬。A .汉森说,问题不是出在检测公司方面,而是出自专利办公室。 - 3
Prior to that, he spent more than 30 years at IBM, where he held numerous positions, including assistant general counsel for litigation, senior vice president and general counsel. 此前,他曾在IBM公司供职30余年, 担任过不同职位,其中包括首席诉讼法律顾问助理、高级副总裁以及首席法律顾问。