释义 |
1 ?银树 银树(Silver Tree) 瓶刷蜘蛛头花(Bottlebrush Spiderhead) . 2 ?生长着银树 整个桌山被指定为国度公园,上面有狒狒、鹿、开普猫鼬、山猫等许多动物,除生长着银树(Silver Tree)之外,还有许多品种的野生植物。想登顶饱览胜景,只要两个方法——坐索道或是徒步。
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When the knight came nearer he was a handsome lord, who stopped and admired the magnificent gold and silver tree, and said to the two sisters, "To whom does this fine tree belong? 当骑士越来越近了,这是一个英俊的领主,他停下来赞叹这颗华丽的挂满金子和银子的树,并且对两个姐妹说:“这颗美丽的树是谁的? - 2
When the knight came nearer he was a handsome lord, who stopped and admired the magnificent gold and silver tree, and said to the two sisters, "To whom does this fine tree belong?" 当骑士越来越近了,这是一个英俊的领主,他停下来赞叹这颗华丽的挂满金子和银子的树,并且对两个姐妹说:“这颗美丽的树是谁的? - 3
The snake has been named silver boa because it is metallic colored and the first specimen found was climbing a silver palm tree. 这种蛇被命名为银蟒,因为它是金属色的,而且发现的第一个标本是爬一棵银色的棕榈树。