...托文件没有确定信托的期限,受益人又没有行使终止信托的权利的情况下,根据英美法上的禁止永久权规则(Rule Against Perpetuities),信托财产必须于信托生效后存活的受益人一生加上21年的期间内归属于最终受益人[3](第133页)。
When the GST was originally enacted, most state laws included the common law RuleagainstPerpetuities (RAP) or some similar rule.
FORBES: Obama Estate Tax Budget Proposals
It's probably hard to plan a year off if your wits have been dulled by the Uniform Commercial Code and the RuleAgainstPerpetuities.
WSJ: Elizabeth Wurtzel: Tough Times for Big Law
To enable these trusts, most of the states allowing them had to get rid of an old common-law principle called the "rule againstperpetuities, " which allowed trusts to exist only for about 90 years.