释义 |
1 ?罗明坚 与罗明坚(Ruggieri(罗明坚)在肇庆;在韶州去世.. 2 ?卢杰利 ...台北市立交响乐团担纲演出造成轰动,以乐声,女高音林惠珍献唱真善美电影歌曲凶花,张正杰带着319年历史的大提琴卢杰利(Ruggieri),和平永远到来.最后在张正杰,让听众沉醉不已. 3 ?鲁杰里 来自意大利的工程师鲁杰里(Ruggieri)告诉记者:“只要你有好创意,我都在纽扣上帮你‘画’出来。”
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Tom Ruggieri, who met his wife in college, has been married for 30 years. 在大学里认识妻子的Tom Ruggieri已结婚30年。 - 2
"That model really does have an impact," said Ruggieri, the head of the employee assistance program at the University of Maryland who often counsels couples in his private practice. “这种模式的确有影响,”Ruggieri说。他是马里兰大学员工援助项目(eap)的主管,他也在自己的私人机构给人做夫妻咨询。 - 3
“That model really does have an impact,” said Ruggieri, the head of the employee assistance program at the University of Maryland who often counsels couples in his private practice. “这种模式的确有影响,” Ruggieri 说。 他是马里兰大学员工援助项目(EAP)的主管,他也在自己的私人机构给人做夫妻咨询。