释义 |
- n.深红银矿(pyrargyrite 的别名);淡红银矿(proustite 的别名)
1 [矿物]?红银矿 ... ruby spinel红尖晶石 ruby silver红银矿 silver rubyn.红银矿,淡红银矿,深红银矿 ...
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For one, the Italy-made ring is plated with either 18K gold or silver, and there are five options for the gemstone: blue topaz, opalite, onyx, sapphire and ruby. 首先,这款意大利制造的戒指镀有18K金或银,此外还有五种宝石供买家选择,分别是蓝色托帕石、不纯蛋白石、缟玛瑙、蓝宝石和红宝石。 - 2
The ring has a ruby in a silver setting. - 3
Products include gold or silver with diamond, pearl, ruby, sapphire, crystal and zircon jewelry. 产品包括金银镶嵌钻石,珍珠,红宝石,蓝宝石,水晶,锆石等首饰。