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您要找的是不是: skimpvt. 克扣;对…不够用心;舍不得给;少给 |... 浏览了 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?撇渣 ... skilled 熟练的 skim park 溢油吸除器 skim up 撇渣 ...
- 1
Did your calcium add up to 130 percent, or would more skim milk or calcium-fortified juice have helped? 你摄入的钙加起来达到了130%吗?或者吃更多的脱脂牛奶或高钙果汁有帮助吗? - 2
Outside, snow blew across the fields of winter. She watched it skim the stubble, taking corn husks with it, piling them up in the corner of the wire. 外面风雪扫过冬天的原野,她眼望着它扫过残梗,带走玉米壳堆在栅栏的角落里。 - 3
Fresh fruit, low-fat diary products, low-fat or skim milk, keep up those salad bars, baked fish, baked chicken, and that lean roast beef. 新鲜水果,低脂的日常食品,低脂或脱脂牛奶,把这些放在沙拉吧上,还有烤鱼,烤鸡肉,烤牛肉。