释义 |
- n.斯库尔遗址:位于以色列的一个古人类化石遗址,距今约10万年前,为早期现代人和尼安德特人的共同居住地。
1 ?斯虎尔 ...说,当讨论现代人类在中东和西亚出现的问题时,人们所涉及的考古学依据是西亚两个著名的晚期智人遗址卡夫泽(Qafzeh)和斯虎尔(Skhul)出土的古人类化石(与此次道县发现的古人类不同,这里的化石是混有尼安德特人基因的现代人)。
- 1.
Remains found at Skhul and Qafzeh in Israel date to between 119, 000 and 81, 000 years ago. BBC: Humans 'left Africa much earlier' - 2.
These fossils, which date back some 100, 000 years, come from two sites in Israel, called Skhul and Qafzeh. ECONOMIST: Gaining the upper hand - 3.
Now the dates for beads from Skhul and Oued Djebbana further weaken the "cultural explosion" scenario, says Stringer. BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Study reveals 'oldest jewellery'