... w Iz π π 当 0 或 当 0 或 2 2 π 0 或 2 1)I y I z 2)I y I z 第8章 复杂内力时杆件应力计算 8-1 斜弯曲 (skew bending) M y Fz (l x) (b) 1)横截面内力与斜弯曲变形 M z Fy (l x) 2)横截面应力计算 面 A 内任一点 a ( y , z ) 的应力 Mz x y Iz My...
Skewbending theory and space truss theory are discussed briefly in the paper.
The accurate double Fourier series analytical solutions are obtained for the free vibration, buckling and bending of Point Supported Anisotropic Skew Plates with four free edges.