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固体火箭系统 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 [航]?固体燃料火箭动力装置 ... 固体火箭推进剂 solid rocket propellent 固体燃料火箭动力装置 solid rocket system 固体推进剂 solid propellant ...
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The objective of the HEL TD program is to demonstrate that a mobile, solid-state laser weapon system can effectively counter rocket, artillery, and mortar projectiles, Boeing officials say. 波音官员称,HEL TD计划的目标是证明移动、固态激光武器系统能够有效对抗火箭、火炮和迫击炮的弹射装置。 - 2
The paper presents the composition, functions, technical performance and research of the solid rocket ramjet engine ground test equipment and measurement control system in detail. 介绍了固体火箭冲压发动机地面实验装置及测控系统组成、功能、技术指标和可以开展的研究工作。 - 3
It's a two stage, 15 ton, solid fuel rocket that could instead carry a half ton penetrating, high-explosive warhead, along with the special guidance system (a radar and image recognition system). 它是一种二级、重量15吨固体燃料推进火箭可以改为携带一枚重量半吨的侵彻、高爆弹头,连同专用制导系统一起(一套雷达和图像识别系统)。