定义 中文名称: 船舶控制中心 英文名称: ship control center 定义: 将船舶导航、操舵、主机操纵、通讯、安全、装载等的有关显示器、控制器用模块化形式综合于驾驶桥楼控制台上,以实施一人对船舶进行驾驶操纵,自动化程度很高的成
When a Navy vessel is being built the ship yard doing the construction must apply to the Parts ControlCenter to CID Numbers on all valves before the Navy will accept delivery of the vessel.
When a Navy vessel is being built, the ship yard doing the construction must apply to the Parts ControlCenter for CID Numbers on all valves before the Navy will accept delivery of the vessel.
Underwater GPS positioning system includes four parts which are GPS differential reference station, GPS buoy subsystem, underwater pinger, ship-based data processing and controlcenter.