释义 |
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According to these rights, the author of a piece of software is its sole proprietor and has complete control over how the code is reproduced, sold, and reused. 根据这些权利,软件的作者是软件惟一的所有者,可以全权控制代码如何复制、销售和重用。 - 2
They eventually acquired the shoe's maker, a Quebec company called Foam Creations, to secure the rights to the foam resin called Croslite, responsible for shoe's squishy, form-fitting sole. 于是他们请魁北克那家叫做“泡沫创造”的制鞋厂把这用来制作柔软合脚的鞋底、叫做Croslite的泡沫树脂用专利保护起来。 - 3
Alone in the world, cast off by it, and with this sole treasure to keep her heart alive, she felt that she possessed indefeasible rights against the world, and was ready to defend them to the death. 她被这个世界所抛弃,只剩下孤身一人,只有这一件珍宝才能维持她心灵的生存,她感到她有不可剥夺的权利来对抗这个世界,而且准备好维护自己的权利一直到死。