释义 |
1 ?橡胶阀 ... rubber tyre 橡胶轮胎 rubber valve 橡胶阀 rubber velvet 防水棉绒 ...
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The company's rubber Yazui valve not only be widely applied in China, also exported to Vietnam, Australia, Iran and other countries. 本公司的橡胶鸭嘴阀不仅在国内被广泛应用,还出口到越南、澳大利亚、伊朗等国家。 - 2
The pure gum rubber sleeve of the Type A Valve offers excellent abrasion resistance, and since the Type A uses only air pressure to operate, there are no moving parts to break or wear out. 型夹管阀采用的纯树脂橡胶具有优异的抗磨损能力,因为A型夹管阀只是采用气压进行操作,因此没有活动部件会断裂或磨损。 - 3
When installing a pinch valve to a rubber, PVC, or any "slick" mating flange, we recommend that you install a metal serrated gasket between the two flanges to assist in the seal. 在安装夹管阀时,如果采用橡胶、PVC或任何“光滑的”配套法兰,则我们建议在两个法兰之间加装一个金属锯齿垫圈以增强密封效果。