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橡胶条密封 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
This paper describes the extruding process of rubber seal strip and the principle and performance of the special-purpose air decompressor in the production line. 本文介绍了橡胶密封条挤出生产的过程及其生产线上专用空气减压装置的工作原理和性能。 - 2
The main products are soft shaft, barrows, engine stents, pipes, the rubber sealing strip, oil seal, high subsection, stamping the and so on. 主要产品有软轴、拉线、发动机支架胶垫、水管、密封条、油封、高压分火线、冲压件等。 - 3
The main products are soft shaft, barrows, engine stents, pipes, the rubber sealing strip, oil seal, high, stamping the subsection, etc. 主要产品有软轴、拉线、发动机支架胶垫、水管、密封条、油封、高压分火线、 冲压件等。