Hairai采用二苯甲酮(BZP)是一种三重态的 光敏剂,三重态能量为287KJ/mol,激发BZP从单重态到三重态需要315ICl/mol的能 量,相应的波长为380nnl。
热门 展品防盗器(BZP)展品防盗器北京 热门 压力报警器(YL)压力报警器北京厂
The government has already classified naphyrone, mephedrone (and related cathinones), Spice, GBL, BZP and ivory wave as class B drugs.
BBC: Legal highs need more controls, say drug council
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has already banned the sale of BZP, although it's not an offence to possess it.
BBC: High, above the law
The Home Office is already consulting on plans to outlaw two party drugs - BZP and GBL - after they were linked to the deaths of two youngsters.