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1 ?技术社会学 技术社会学(sociology of technology)是把技术看作一种特定白勺社会现象,运用社会学白勺观点和方法,分析技术和其它社会现象互相作用、协调开展白勺科学。
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The change of roles comes from the rapid development of society and technology, says Zhou Xiaohong, a sociology professor from Nanjing University. 来自南京大学的社会学教授周晓红说,这种角色的转变来自社会和科技的快速发展。 - 2
That online reality does not reflect human nature, said Zeynep Tufekci, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Maryland in Baltimore who studies the social impacts of technology. 这样的网络世界并不能反映人类的本性,Zeynep Tufekci表示,她是巴尔的摩马里兰大学的社会学助理教授,研究科技对社会的影响。 - 3
Based on the knowledge sociology, this study focuses on the problem to analyze the media theory and method of Harold Innis and Marshall Mcluhan, who are the founders of media technology theory. 这一问题为核心,根据知识社会学的研究路径,剖析传播技术研究的开创者英尼斯、麦克·卢汉的传播思想和研究模式。