释义 |
sociology of science and technology - 1
Setting personal awards of science and technology is supported by the theory of sociology of science. - 2
In the field of science and technology such as physics, biology, cybernation , electronics and so on, there are plenty of problems described with differential equations, so is sphere of sociology. 在自然科学以及技术科学,例如物理,生物学,自动控制,电子技术等等领域中,都提出了大量的微分方程问题,同样在社会科学的一些领域里也存在着微分方程的问题。 - 3
Net Hongru thesis is a major agent of education, published papers, medical papers, accounting thesis of science and technology, legal papers, philosophy sociology, economic management thesis site. 鸿儒论文网是一个专业代理刊登教育论文、医学论文、会计论文、科学技术、法律论文、哲学社会学、经济管理论文的网站。