...防礼,后来才知道,就在这天,英军的5个苏格兰战斗编制,被正式整合为一个新的“苏格兰皇家军团”(Royal Regiment of Scotland)。第二天的《苏格兰人报》称,这是具有三百多年历史的苏格兰英军,进入了一个新阶段。
REPORT from Daily Telegraph says that the RoyalRegimentofScotland, stationed in South Iraq and Afghanistan, has 5,000 soldiers but just 320 kilts, or one for every 15 men.
Corporal Mason 27, was serving with The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion the RoyalRegimentofScotland, when he was struck by a improvised explosive device in Kandahar Province in Afghanistan.