皇家企鹅(royal penguin)是凤头企鹅的一种,它们产出第二个卵之后就立 即取消“保单”,停止投入第一个卵。
其他我未在野外见过的企鹅:国王企鹅 (King penguin), 跳岩企鹅 (Rockhopper penguin), 皇室企鹅 (Royal penguin), 峡湾企鹅 (Fiordland penguin), 竖冠企鹅 (Erect-crested penguin), 史纳尔企鹅 (Snares penguin), 黄眼企鹅 (Yellow-eyed pen...
PNG - 652x534 - 405KB 企鹅 澳大利亚/这里是企鹅的王国,皇家企鹅(Royal Penguin)、国王企鹅、..
企鹅生存大乱斗 ; 企鹅生存战
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) A royal penguin found stranded on a New Zealand beach has died.
NPR: Penguin Found Stranded On New Zealand Beach Dies
The bird, which was dehydrated and starving, is thought to be only the fourth Royal penguin to wash up there in more than a century.
BBC: Lost Antarctic penguin dies in New Zealand zoo
It was just the fourth time over the past 100 years that a royal penguin has been found on the North Island of New Zealand.