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行坐标 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 [数]?行坐标 ... 行最小值规则 row minimum rule 行坐标 row coordinates 形变 deformation ...
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This method returns a nested array of cell data, with each cell indexed by its row and column coordinates. 该方法将返回嵌套的单元格数据数组,其中每个单元格使用它的行坐标和列坐标进行索引。 - 2
The for loop in Listing 7 translates their filename vagaries into simple X, Y (column and row) coordinates, and stores their values in the % vals hash. 清单7中的for循环将它们奇怪的文件名转换成简单的X, Y(列和行)坐标,并将它们的值存储在% vals散列中。 - 3
The update trigger is more complicated: if the update causes an exception, you have to delete the existing feature row, just as for null coordinates. 更新触发器比较复杂:如果更新导致异常,那么必须删除现有的特性行,就像处理null坐标一样。