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罗夫,卡尔 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Earlier this month, Karl Rove told Fox News that Palin would require extensive preparation, "so that when she starts making these speeches, people say, 'You know what?" 这个月初,卡尔·罗孚向福克斯新闻透漏到,佩林需要很精心的准备,“这样,在她做演讲的时候,人们就会说,你知道么?” - 2
"I think had Karl Rove immediately come out to support us, had the NRSC even helped us verbally, we could have closed the gap," o 'donnell said. “我想让卡尔。罗芙马上出来援助我们,甚至练NRSC都出面援助过我们,我们本可以离目标再近一点。”奥唐娜说。 - 3
Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, once two of the most powerful men in this country, are now suffering from Balzheimer's disease. 迪克·切尼和卡尔·罗夫,曾经是这个国家最有权势的两个人,现在得了老年痴呆。