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社会角色冲突 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?社会角色冲突 社会角色冲突(social role conflict)个人在所履行的两个或多个社会角色之间或角色与人格之间,有难以相容感;角色冲突也可发生于个人遭受来自不同群体的不可调和的压...
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Research on conflict between doctor and patient on overseas involve to: Social role theory, doctor-patient exchange theory, asymmetric information theory and health care system. 国外对医患冲突的已有研究涉及到:社会角色理论、医患交流理论、信息不对称理论和医疗保健制度。 - 2
There is an ubiquitous role conflict of professional females, which is caused by historical, social, family and individual factors. 现阶段职业女性普遍存在着角色冲突问题,这一问题的产生具有历史、社会、家庭和个人因素。 - 3
The low economic status and social prestige lead to preschool teachers' imbalance of roles, role conflict, or even disruptive behavior. 当前幼儿教师由于经济地位、社会声望偏低而出现了角色失调、角色冲突等问题,甚至出现了行为偏差。