释义 |
1 ?掩护支架采煤法 定义 中文名称: 掩护支架采煤法 英文名称: shield mining 定义: 在急斜煤层中,沿走向布置采煤工作面,用掩护支架将采空区和工作空间隔开、向俯斜推进的采煤方法。 应用学科: 煤炭科技(一级学科);煤矿开采(二级学科
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With different construction method, (from Chapter 1 to Chapter 3), they are immersed tunnel, underwater shield tunnel and the underwater tunnel by using mining method respectively. 第1 - 3章分别是按施工法区分的水底沉管法隧道、水下盾构法隧道、水下矿山法隧道。 - 2
The main methods of building railway tunnels are mining method, shield method, immersed method and cutting and covering method, most of which are expatiated in aforementioned passages. 修建铁路隧道的主要方法有矿山法、盾构法、沉管法以及明挖法,这大多在前面都有阐述。 - 3
Obvious benefits were introduced to replace the means of chamfering demolition mining by shield support mining.