... 全国最高委员会最高委员会 supremenationalcouncil 什叶派 karbala; shi'ite; shia islam; shiah; shiite 阿拉伯三方最高委员会 higher tripartite arab committee; supremetripartitearabcommittee ...
He insults Alawites, the minority offshoot of Shia Islam to which Mr Assad belongs.
BBC: Outrage at Syrian rebel shown 'eating soldier's heart'
Iran and Hezbollah are predominantly Shia, while Mr Assad's Alawite sect is an offshoot of Shia Islam.
BBC: Hezbollah leader Nasrallah vows victory in Syria
Alawites, who belong to an offshoot of Shia Islam, dominate the Assad regime.
WSJ: Syrian Forces Push to Retake Rebel Stronghold