释义 |
- n.阿拉伯国家的王子(或首领);穆罕默德的后裔(等于 shereef)
- n.(Sherif)人名;(阿拉伯)谢里夫
1 ?谢里夫 二,从众的实验研究 1, 谢里夫 ( Sherif ):游动错觉实验 所谓的游动错觉现象是指黑暗中的一个小光点,即使使其完全静止,在观察者看来却似乎是在来回运动着. 2 ?谢利夫 从众现象最早是谢利夫(M。Sherif)在暗室里进行的自动光点运动实验中发现的。 3 ?姓 ... 名字: Kandil 姓: Sherif 标签: Sherif Kandil ...
- 1
Still, the list of those caught pleases Mr Sherif. - 2
Sherif told the kids--all of the kids-- that the water line to the camp was cut and they all had to defend the camp. 谢里夫告诉所有男孩-,营地的水管被截断了,他们要全部出动保护营地。 - 3
It's these two groups that formed the basis of Sherif's study of how prejudice and conflict build up between two groups of people (Sherif et al., 1961). 正是这两个小组构成了Sherif研究两组人之间如何产生偏见和冲突的基础(Sherif et al . 1961)。