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shell病毒 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?外壳型病毒 ②外壳型病毒(Shell Viruses):它包围在系统可执行文件的周围,对原来的文件不 作修改。 2 ?计算机外壳型病毒 入侵型病毒)、Operating System Virus(操作系统病毒)和Shell Virus(计算机外壳型病毒),..
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According to a computer virus intrusion system approach can be divided into source virus, computer virus virus, operating system viruses and shell viruses. 按计算机病毒入侵系统的途径可将计算机病毒分为源码病毒、入侵病毒、操作系统病毒和外壳病毒。 - 2
If the shell mutates, the honeycomb won't lock together, and the virus would collapse. - 3
To expedite this search, Sankey and his student Eric Dykeman have developed a way to calculate the vibrational motion of every atom in a virus shell. 为了加快研究进度,桑基和他的学生埃里克.戴克曼(Eric Dykeman)开发了一种计算单个病毒原子震动模式的方法。