释义 |
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But Alexander, his magnum opus, a biopic of Alexander the Great that he at one point calls "his life's work", was savaged by the critics. 但是他一度称为“我一生的作品”的《亚历山大》却被批评家们骂得狗血喷头。 - 2
If you desire glory, you may envy Napoleon, but Napoleon envied Caesar, Caesar envied Alexander, and Alexander, I daresay, envied Hercules, who never existed. 如果你渴望成就伟业,可能就嫉妒拿破仑,而拿破仑会嫉妒凯撒,凯撒又嫉妒亚历山大,我敢说,亚历山大会嫉妒传说中的大力神赫拉克勒斯。 - 3
In the melee, several Persian nobles were killed by Alexander himself or his bodyguards, but Alexander was stunned by an axe blow from a Persian nobleman named Spithridates. 混战中,亚历山大或他的侍衞杀了几个波斯贵族,但亚历山大也被一个叫斯庇特里达的波斯贵族用斧头劈得晕头转向。