释义 |
- n.炮击,炮轰
- v.炮击;剥壳,脱壳,脱粒(shell 的现在分词)
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农业科学 脱壳 In this paper, have a study on methods optimization on how to extract Ricin from the Shelling castor bean. 本文首先对如何从脱壳蓖麻子中提取蓖麻毒蛋白的方法进行了优选的研究。 除鳞 The device should include roller, driven wheel, water pipe was integrated the function such as shelling scale, separation, recycling. 设想由除鳞滚筒、传动带轮、喷水管、回收槽、调节螺钉等组成的除鳞装置,集“除鳞——分离——回收”于一体。 去壳
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But I knew the terror of those shellings and the pressure we'd been under since we got to Bastogne could take their toll in other way. 但我知道这些炮击以及自巴斯通以来累计的压力可能会以别的方式爆发。