释义 |
- 学校出勤:指学生按时到校上课的情况,通常用于衡量学生的学习态度和纪律表现。
1 ?就读 ... disturbance 扰乱,打扰;骚乱,混乱;心神不安,烦恼 school attendance 就读 chance 机会,机遇;可能性 ... 2 ?上课出勤 上课出勤(school attendance), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 3 ?在学 ...集合,下午外出观光 ? After eating lunch, all assembled in the hall in the afternoon sightseeing 在学 ? School attendance 没关系,定位错误 ? It doesn't matter, positioning error ..
- 1
We need changes in the law governing school attendance. - 2
And school attendance is rising, particularly among girls. - 3
Sunday-school attendance, a more accurate indicator of numbers, is 7.7m, down from 8.2m in 1994. 作为一项衡量人数的更加精确的指标,主日学校的参加人数从1994年的820万人下降到了现在的770万。