施马伦贝格病毒(Schmallenberg virus)于客岁夏天正在德国小镇施马伦贝格被收明果此得名,自本年一月份呈现尾例传染事件以去,英国英格兰北部战东北部天区已有74家农场遭...
The Schmallenberg virus is carried by insects and was first detected in Germany 18 months ago.
BBC: Schmallenberg virus cases increase in Welsh lambs
Sheep farmers are on "tenterhooks" as lambing season builds because of the Schmallenberg virus, a Herefordshire farmer says.
BBC: Schmallenberg: Farmers on 'tenterhooks' during lambing
Schmallenberg virus (SBV) causes fever, diarrhoea and loss of milk production in adult cattle, although the animals do recover.
BBC: Schmallenberg virus: Scottish farmers put on high alert