释义 |
1 ?兜圈子 ... Round the bend 有精神病的, 疯狂的 Round the houses 兜圈子 Rub shoulders 点头之交 ...
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People believed that if the dragon went into their houses, they could have good luck all year round and have a good harvest in autumn. 人们相信,如果龙进入他们的房子,他们会有一年的好运气,在秋天有一个好收成。 - 2
"People don't want to buy round here because they see all these empty houses and wonder what's wrong with the area," says Ed Moore, an air force veteran who supports Mr McCain. “人们不想在这周围买房,因为他们看着所有空荡荡的房屋,想知道此区域有何不对头,”支持麦凯恩的空军退伍军人穆尔说。 - 3
Would we not rather skip over many-storied houses for a change, or on encountering the monument take a flying jump, rather than trouble to walk round it? 我们难道不会变换一种方式,从多层的高楼上一跃而过? 或在遇到纪念物的时候,不必麻烦地绕行,就从它上面飞过去吗?