num. 六十;六十个
n. 月的第六日,(与the连用的)第六个;...
... 表演者: Sixx 版本特性: Clean / Enhanced 介质: Audio CD ...
画着像尼基·赛克 ; 尼基·赛克斯 ; 贝司手尼奇·西克斯
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx says he used to love the thrill of freebasing cocaine.
CNN: Experts cite must-haves for effective rehab
After more than 30 years of abusing drugs, Sixx realized he needed rehab.
"Sorry Sydney for a short set tonight but Vince had to be rushed to the hospital for internal pain, " bassist Sixx tweeted.
CNN: Kidney stones force rocker Vince Neil from stage