ZE:A[帝国之子] 时完(Siwan), 光..
...音:ㄨㄢˇ拼音:wǎn仓颉:VFJNU ??五笔编码:XPQB笔划:共 14 划康熙字典笔划:綩:14;部首:纟 綩的分解查字:纟宛(siwan)?? 康熙字典【未集中】【糸字部】綩 【集韵】委远切,音宛。【玉篇】纮也。
Siwan handicrafts are renowned and the shops display hand-woven rugs and trinkets fashioned from rock salt.
WSJ: Staying at Adr??re Amellal in Siwa, Egypt
Suspected Hindu gunmen burst into their home in a remote village in Siwan district, and dragged the victims outside and shot them.
BBC: Maoist rebels
New research by economists Siwan Anderson and Debraj Ray estimates that in India, more than 2m women are missing in a given year.
BBC: How India treats its women