... 所属州: ME 名字: Rothermel 姓: P ...
2、蔓延速度(SC):可采用罗森迈尔(Rothermel)公式,计算火蔓延速度。 3、能量释放(ERC):可采用白兰(Byram)公式,也就是火强公式,计算能量的释 放。
One final work, Rothermel's "Charge of Pennsylvania Reserves in Plum Run, " was commissioned by the adjutant general's office in 1881.
WSJ: Capturing Gettysburg | Objects of Valor | State Museum of Pennsylvania | By Mark Yost
The viewer is facing the Union line, a perspective that Rothermel thought was important in depicting the Union's repulse of Confederate forces.
It was carried back to Pittsburgh, where Rothermel had it relined, and was later shown at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia.