释义 |
1 ?酸痛 公布 中文名称:酸痛 英文名称:sour pain 定义:疼痛伴有酸软感觉。 应用学科: 中医药学(一级学科); 诊断学(二级学科); 诊法(二级学科) 词目: 酸痛 拼音: suān tòng 详
- 1
Looking at small sea at present blue so lovely, there is a very sour pain in her heart, feel very sorry. 如今看着小海蓝这么可爱,她心中有一股酸酸的痛,感觉很遗憾。 - 2
Do not put most of kitchen electric equipment, the Lord dwell waist sour pain, headache and stomachache north. 厨房电器类不可放置大多——主住者腰酸北痛、头痛、胃痛。 - 3
The most sour pain in the world is, looking at once letter oath once love oneself, turn around and love others. 世界上最酸的痛是,看着曾信誓旦旦说爱自己的人,转身爱了别人。