释义 |
- 示意模型:一种用于表示复杂系统或过程的简化图形表示,通常用于帮助理解和解释系统的工作原理。
1 ?图模型 原理图模型(Schematic Models),多用于元器件的建模,如电阻、电容、二极管等。2.S
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Schematic diagram of an integrated library will be associated with their PCB assembly and (or) SPICE models or signal integrity models all compiled into a non-compiled package. 集成库将原理图及与他们相联系的PC B封装和(或)SPICE模型或信号完整性分析模型全部编译到一个不可编译的包中。 - 2
There are four cognitive models of categorization: propositional model, image-schematic model, metaphoric model and metonymic model respectively. 范畴化的认知模型可归结为:命题模型、意象图式模型、隐喻模型以及转喻模型。 - 3
The exhibition – which runs until 22 November – includes original models, sketches, schematic drawings and photographs of past Meier projects, including the Smith House in Darien, Connecticut; 展览将持续到11月22日,展出迈耶作品的原始模型、草图,示意图以及照片,这些作品包括位于康乃狄格州达连的史蒂夫之家;