For each term used in the schema, a data dictionary provides a description that informally fills in the semantics for that term.
Top-down -- Start from an existing XML description of the interface (XML schema, DTD, WSDL), derive the XML data model, and generate the mapping/conversion code.
自顶向下——从现有的接口 XML 描述(XML 模式、DTD、WSDL)开始,派生 XML 数据模型,并生成映射/转换代码。
This first is called "start-from-WSDL", or "contract first", and involves building a WSDL service description and associated XML schema for data exchange directly.
第一种被称为“由wsdl开始(start - from - WSDL)”,或是“契约优先(contract first)”,牵涉构建一个WSDL服务描述,并直接关联用于数据交换的XML模式。