释义 |
1 ?寻址错误 ... addressing character 寻址字符, 定址字符 addressing error 寻址错误 addressing exception 寻址故障,寻址异常 ...
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Data governance, says Adler, is largely about systematically identifying and addressing error entry points. Adler指出,数据治理的意图主要是系统化地找到并解决可能引入错误的点。 - 2
Part 4 of this series will describe scalability, error handling, and WS-Addressing in more detail. 本系列的第 4 部分将更详细地描述可伸缩性、错误处理和 WS-Addressing。 - 3
If a SOAP processing error occurs at the SOAPInput node, it can return a SOAP fault either directly to the sender or to a different endpoint if directed to do so by WS-Addressing. 如果在SOAPInput节点上发生SOAP处理错误,它可以直接向发送者或者向某个不同的端点(如果WS - Addressing指示这样做的话)返回SOAP错误。