计划接收量(scheduled receipts)是指正在执行的订单量。在制定MPS计划时,往往把制定计划日期之前的已经发出的、将要在本计划期内到达的订单数量作为计划接收量来...
什么是已安排接收量[1] 已安排接收量(Scheduled Receipts)是指已经下达,但是尚未收到或者完成的订单。
工厂管理专题讲座 第五章 总量计划与MRP ... 1)总需求(gross requirement) 2)预期收到(入库)量(scheduled receipts) 3)预期可用库存(projected on hand) ...
... scheduler 计划员 scheduled receipts 预计入库量/计划接收量 seasonal stock 季节储备 ...
Leaders of the Democratic majority in the legislature oppose the cap, although the legislature did stop a scheduled increase in the gross receipts tax from 7% to 7.5% that would have been effective July 1.
FORBES: State Gas Tax Guzzlers
Scheduled Receipt