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1 ?春景色 春景色 (Scenes of Spring)是和平之月的发布的专辑[愈 IV Healing Collection IV]中的一首新歌曲,该歌曲如果你觉得好听就把它推荐给其它好友.
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Pearl resembled the brook inasmuch as the current of her life gushed from a well-spring as mysterious, and had flowed through scenes Shadowed as heavily with gloom. 珠儿与那溪水就有点相似,她的生命也是涌自一个神秘之泉,并流经同样阴沉的暗景。 - 2
The types of scenes include major holiday scene, such as Spring Festival, National Day; - 3
This group of photographs shows scenes of the Gulf of Mexico in the spring and summer of, when at least four million barrels of crude spilled from the BP-Deepwarter Horizon wellhead. 年春夏,墨西哥湾发生石油泄漏事故,至少万桶原油从英国石油公司的深海钻井台流入海中。