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您要找的是不是: CCOabbr. 中央编码室Central Coding Office... seccoadj. 无伴奏的;简朴的 | n. 干壁绘画法... 1 ?南方铜业公司 秘鲁10月铜产量下滑1.01%至111,485吨,部分是由于矿业巨头斯特拉塔公司(Xstrata)旗下Tintaya铜矿,南方铜业公司(SCCO)位于秘鲁的铜矿以及其他一些铜矿产量疲软。秘鲁10月锌产量为123,869吨,较去年同期下降9.57%。 2 ?南方铜业 行业方面:秘鲁金属矿商南方铜业(SCCO)称,计划中的歇工不会伤及产量,因公司已准备好应急预案,此前因薪酬商量(consult)未果工人欲举办(hold)歇工。 3 ?方铜业集团 排在第3位地是北方铜业集团(SCCO),为全国产量地23%.丰业银行表示,估量许多铜矿产量将会恢复,包括CerroVerde铜矿及北方 她们对加铝电缆所提议地用聪明打造全新低碳...
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Below is a long-term dividend history chart for SCCO, which Dividend Channel stressed as being of key importance. FORBES: Connect - 2.
Elsewhere, short interest on SCCO has steadily declined in recent weeks, dropping by 12.1% over the past two reporting periods. FORBES: Options Plays For Riding Copper Stocks Lower - 3.
The report noted that among metals and mining companies, SCCO shares displayed both attractive valuation metrics and strong profitability metrics. FORBES: Connect