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1 ?搁座 ... 业务流程重组 vocational work process recombination 搁座 shelf rest 复合碳化物 complex carbide ...
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There is still a chance the rest of the ice shelf will survive until next year, Vaughan said, because this is the end of the Antarctic summer and colder weather is setting in. 沃恩认为,由于南极洲夏季的结束和寒冷天气的来临,其他冰架还能够保存到明年。 - 2
The rest of the Wilkins Ice Shelf, which totals about 14,500 square kilometers, is holding on by a narrow beam of thin ice. 总面积约在14500平方公里的威尔金斯冰架的其他部分正在支撑着一条狭长的薄冰。 - 3
Earth has more than enough water to completely fill the ocean basins, and the rest of it spreads onto edges of the continents, areas known as the continental shelf. 地球上的水量比充满洋盆所需的水量要多,剩余的部分分布在大陆的边缘,就是我们称为大陆架的地方。