释义 |
1 ?向量加法 ... 向量计算 vector computation 向量加法 addition of vectors 向量加法之平行四边形法则 parallelogram rule for addition of vectors ... 2 ?向量的相加 ... 确定向量的长度 length 向量的相加 Addition of Vector 向量的分解 resolution of vectors ... 3 ?矢量加法 addition of vector 矢量加法; 向量加法..
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Exactly. To add vectors geometrically you just put the head of the first vector and the tail of the second vector in the same place And then, it's head to tail addition Any other questions? 是的,几何上两个向量相加,你就把一个向量的尾巴,放到另一个向量的头上去,那就是“头尾”加法,还有问题么? - 2
In addition, most of the graphical elements are provided in vector format, allowing you a lot of room to scale up for high-resolution presentations. 此外,大部分图形元素是矢量格式的,让你在高分辨率演示上提供很大空间。 - 3
The operation of finding the sum of two vectors is called vector addition .