释义 |
物质的添加 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?添加物质 addition of halogen 卤素添加 addition of substances 添加物质 addition of substances to the spinning dope, melt, manufacture of artificial filaments 向纺丝浆液添加材料(物质)、熔化、人造丝的生产(制造) .
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The storage of sensible heat, on the other hand, allows flexibility as to temperature; in addition, safe substances like water and most rocks have large sensible heat capacities. 另一方面,感热的储存允许温度有一定的灵活性。此外,水和大多数岩石等安全物质具有较大的感热容。 - 2
In addition to laws that limit the availability of illicit substances, tobacco and alcohol, interventions to reduce demand for these substances improve the conditions for healthy development. 除了用法律限制非法物质、烟草和酒精的可获得性之外,减少对这些物质需求的干预措施也会改善健康发育状况。 - 3
In addition, interested parties can provide comments and further information on the USES, exposures and availability of safer alternative substances or techniques. 此外,有兴趣的团体或人士可就用途、暴露风险以及更安全的替代物质或技术提出进一步的信息。