细胞是由膜包围着含有细胞核(或拟核)的原生质所组成 - docin.com豆丁网 表面放大的形貌像,这个像是在样品被扫描时按时序建立起 来的,即使用逐点成像的方法获得放大像。 7. 扫描透射电子显微镜( sc anni ng t r ans mi ss i on el e ct r on mi c r os c opy ,STEM) 既有透射电子显微镜又有扫描电子显微镜的显微镜。象 SEM 一样,STEM 用 电子束在样品的表面扫
Imaging with scanningtransmissionelectronmicroscopy showed that the atomic grain-boundary structure had dislocations that had very similar arrangement.
Model of growth, surface morphology, microstructure and of the Uraniun films by magnetron sputter deposition have been investigated by scanningtransmissionelectronmicroscopy(STEM).
The morphologies and structures obtained the anodized aluminum films were characterized by scanningelectronmicroscopy (SEM). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atom force microscopy (AFM).