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1 ?特种添加剂 ... Special Additional Risk 特别附加险 special additive 特种添加剂 special adviroty message 特别咨询电报 ...
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PlainPlain parking lot floor paint is composed of cement, hard abrasive resistant filling, special additive and inorganic pigment. 简约型停车场地坪是一种由水泥、超硬耐磨填料、特殊添加剂和无机颜料组成的地面耐磨材料。 - 2
It's a special additive made by special craft, used for grouting material and made the Plasticizers, polymer powder, thickening agent, expansive agent more efficient. 是一种灌浆料专用添加剂,以高效塑化剂、聚合物胶粉,稠化剂,膨胀剂经特殊工艺配制而成的专用添加材料。 - 3
Proper selection of the resin, pigments and fillers and additives, Especially, a special additive T and formulation lead to the average reflectance ratio is up to 80. 通过所用树脂、颜填料和助剂的选择和搭配,尤其针对本研究体系的特殊性,采用了一种特种助剂T,使研制的涂层在可见-近红外波段的反射比达到80。