相对集中度:吉尼系数 (Gini Cofficiency)、赫芬达指数 (Herfindahl Index)、罗森布鲁斯 (Rosenbluth) 指数、英特洛比 (Entropy) 指数等多种形式。
... 所属州: OH 名字: Rosenbluth 姓: K ...
罗森布鲁斯 ; 罗柏斯 ; 哈尔·罗森布鲁斯 ; 卢森布鲁
Rosenbluth outlines three risks that invesotrs should be mindful of when evaluation bond funds.
FORBES: Don't Get Too Comfortable Just Because The SEC Is Examining Mutual Fund Fees
"It's the 26 state reviews that may throw something into the mix, " says Rosenbluth.
FORBES: The Knots In SBC's Wires
"We think that Verizon Wireless is a key component of the proposition of Verizon Communications, " says Rosenbluth.
FORBES: Magazine Article