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玫瑰,比利 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
At the Billy Rose Theater Division of the New York Public Library, would-be Cyranos can peruse notes and telegrams Katharine Hepburn received from her many admirers. 在纽约市立图书馆的比利·罗斯电影陈列柜,可以找到许多当年凯瑟琳那·海普的影迷们发给她的电报。 - 2
Billy Rose, 59, has eaten at Craigie on Main the last three Passovers. 过去的三个逾越节59岁的比利·罗斯都是在Craigie on Main饭店吃的家宴。 - 3
Rose: Don't be a wallflower. Let me go get Ivy. She'll dance with you. Hey, Ivy, do you want to dance with Billy? 玫瑰:别当壁花。我去找艾薇。她会跟你一起跳。嗨,艾薇,你要和比利跳舞吗?