释义 |
- 缓释肥料:缓释肥料是一种颗粒状肥料,能够逐渐释放养分到土壤中(即具有控制释放期)。缓释肥料也被称为可控性肥料、延迟释放肥料、计量释放肥料或缓效肥料。通常,缓释肥料指的是以氮为基础的肥料。缓释和控制释放肥料仅占肥料市场的0.15%(562,000吨)(1995年)。
1 ?缓释肥 缓释肥(Slow release fertilizer)又称缓效肥料、长效肥料,是指源于肥料的化学成分变化或外表包涂半透水性或不透水性物质,使其中的有效养分缓慢释放。 2 [肥料]?缓释肥料 无机包裹型复混肥料(复合肥料)-水分的测定 ... 缓释(效)肥料 slow release fertilizer 无机包裹型复混肥料(复合肥料) inorganic material coated compound fertilizer(complex fertilizer) 养分的缓释(缓效) slow release of nutrient ...
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In a pot experiment, the effect of slow release fertilizer (SR) rates on quality and yield of lettuce was studied. 通过盆栽试验研究了不同缓释肥(SR)用量对莴笋产量和品质的效应。 - 2
In agricultural production, alkali lignin can be used as pesticide slow release agent to produce slow release fertilizer and soil amendment. 碱木素可作农药缓释剂生产缓释肥料和土壤改良剂等,为工业木素的应用开辟了新的途径。 - 3
The results show that the coated slow release fertilizer has good slow release effect, simple process for its production and low cost of product. 对小试生产的包裹型缓释肥料进行缓释性评价,结果表明:肥料的缓释性良好,工艺简便易行,生产成本低。